
Quadrata and Zabbix at CeBIT 2016!

We are proud to inform you that we will take part at CeBIT 2016 together with Zabbix!

Come to find us and discover last features of the new version 3.0 and learn how Zabbix can make your business safer and efficient.

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Zabbix 3.0 is here!

Here it is! The expected and desired Zabbix 3.0 is here with the fount of new features. Let’s skim them over and put them in practice. What were you awaiting the most?


Redesigned WEB interface

The frontend in 3.0 comes with a more modern design, being now more convenient and easier to use. The UI is now cleaner with some usability improvements, for example, Users section has been split into User groups and Users. Plus, all the minor adjustments, like the change in font face and size, lead to a more lightweight and user-friendly frontend.



As regards a more modern appearance of Zabbix 3.0, now you have many themes for choice: the original light is a default theme, but you might also like the stylish dark.


Daemon communication encryption and authentication

Encryption of traffic between all Zabbix components (server, proxies, agents and command-line utilities) protects from intercepting of data.

Encryption also provides authentication – only components with trusted certificate or pre-shared key can take part in communication. The authentication is mutual – e.g. not only Zabbix server examines agent’s certificate but the agent also can be configured to examine server’s certificate issuer and subject.


Encryption is optional and configurable for individual components (e.g. some proxies and agents can be configured to use encrypted communications with server while others can use unencrypted communications as before).



Forecasting and trend prediction

Problem prediction long before they occur – in Zabbix 3.0 this will turn into reality.

Some say, that even in 2016 disks are still filling up… To prevent applications suffering from free disk space shortage, Zabbix can predict when this situation is going to happen and warn in advance. So that one can add more disk space just in time before it really becomes an issue and causes any damage.

Future behavior of the monitored system will be determined based on the historic data. Plus, you can choose appropriate interval and forecast horizon.

Just see the example below, where Zabbix predicts how soon file system on /home will be full looking at the last hour values.



And much more!

You can find a complete list of new features here:


Quadrata è pronta!

Quadrata has made everything ready to support Zabbix 3.0! Contact us if you need any help!

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2016

Hi friends,

we are near to a new year and we want say thanks to everyone that trust in us and Zabbix and a very special thanks to every guys of Zabbix Team.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (with a new release of Zabbix 3.0)

Zabbix postcard Christmas 2015

Zabbix postcard Christmas 2015


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OctoZab 0.2 alpha: control your server list!

Our brand new OctoZab project to manage multiple Zabbix servers has been recently updated.

In this version you’ll get a high demanded feature: the possibility to control which Zabbix servers are managed by OctoZab, along with custom credentials for each of them, directly from the frontend!

OctoZab Servers List

OctoZab servers list: add/modify/remove your servers

Moreover, as you can see from opening screenshot, layout aspect has been improved and revisited in order to give a more pleasant dashboard, and putting bases for features to come.

If you haven’t yet noticed, we’ve added a Docker container too, just to make easier for you to test and use the application.

As usual, you can check the source code at our GitHub repo.

Enjoy the update!

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Zabbix 2.5.0, first alpha release of Zabbix 3.0

Zabbix Team is pleased to announce the availability of Zabbix 2.5.0, first alpha release of Zabbix 3.0.

This release is absolutely not for production. It is a very early Alpha Release!

It is not yet feature complete and does not fully represent expected 3.0 version.

Upgrade notes

Link: Release Notes


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OctoZab – Multi Zabbix Server Dashboard

Many of us are using Zabbix Server for a lot of customer and sometimes we need to monitoring what happen on every Zabbix Server but we can’t…. at least until now… Is born OctoZab

This is our first prototype of Dashboard and we need suggestions and feedback from Zabbix Community, so feel free to ask everything.

You Could find source at

We also create a demo site please check it at

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Reliability of Zabbix proxies internal checks

Zabbix is a powerful monitoring tool, that can easily become hard to control with the expansion of the infrastructure underneath.

One of the many features it offers is proxies, useful to monitor geo-dislocated devices. We happened to check a not-so-small Zabbix installation for a customer of ours, made of 1 server and about 12 proxies. Some of these proxies were very work-loaded, and needed some fine tuning.

But before analyze which kind of items were monitored and how they were organized, we first had to understand if hosts on which proxies were working were healthy. That’s where some useful Zabbix metrics come into play: Internal Checks.

And that’s where we found a configuration error, with very small evidency if not checked in first place. All of the proxies were not monitored by themselves. What does this mean? That all of them shared same Zabbix server graphs, and was impossible to understand real behaviour of their internal, data gathering, value cache processes.

The solution? As showed in opening screenshot it’s enough to let them be monitored by themselves!

From then on, we were able to fastly identify slowness culprits and where to begin the tuning.

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Zabbix Certified Specialists – May 2015

I’m proud to announce our new Zabbix Certified Specialists of May 2015, if you want to become the next one please check the official zabbix training schedule.


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zabbix housekeeping trouble
Zabbix and HouseKeeper Trouble Story!!

Today i want show a problem discovered on one of our Zabbix Server and the Housekeeper process.

Housekeeper (Zabbix documentation)

The Housekeeper is a periodical process, executed by Zabbix server. The process removes outdated information and information deleted by user.
Most of us know the two parameters inside zabbix_server.conf to limit the process behavior:


The Housekeeper is a periodical process, executed by Zabbix server. The process removes outdated information and information deleted by user.

No more than ‘MaxHousekeeperDelete‘ rows will be deleted per one task in one housekeeping cycle.
Actually for most of the times no one care so much about that but today we fall on a big Zabbix Server slow down and this problemi s coming from Housekeeper.
Today we understood much better the logic behind the Housekeeper process, i will try to explain below.
Few days ago we have removed 3 items prototypes from a template that it was linked to 60 hosts and for every hosts that prototype items is near to 300 real items.
So how many orphaned items we have? 3 (proto items) *60 (hosts)*100(expanded proto items)=18000 !
But the huge strange behaviour is here, MaxHousekeeperDelete. If we set to MaxHousekeeperDelete=500 zabbix will try to remove 500 history value per orphaned items.
So what happend?
In the beginning the Housekeeper process it will try to remove 18000×500=9.000.000 of history value!!!!
For example if we look on Zabbix server Log:
housekeeper [deleted 68 hist/trends, 4522000 items, 0 events, 0 sessions, 0 alarms, 0 audit items in 2649.273207 sec, idle 1 hour(s)]
The “4522000 items” is the deleted orphaned items value for a single Housekeeper process.
To discuss about this strange logic we have opened an official trouble ticket in Zabbix

zabbix housekeeping trouble

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SysDig – Dig in Linux and fix trouble

Never see a so great tool to debug our Linux server, please check this post How to monitor and troubleshoot a Linux server using sysdig

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