Posts on Jan 1970

Zabbix Share Portal
Zabbix Share – Sharing Template and tips for your Zabbix Server

Few months ago, our Zabbix friends have inaugurated a very cool and useful portal to share and rate template, scripts, tools and much more for Zabbix. I think it’s a great news do spread and use Zabbix much easy for everyone.

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Zabbix Conference 2015

Anche quest’anno e’ ora di pensare alla Zabbix Conference, noi saremo presenti da giovedi’ 10 a Domenica 13 Settembre 2015.

Il tema della conferenza e’ molto interessante ed e’ “Share your Passion“, sara’ focalizzato sull’esperienza degli utenti Zabbix provienti da tutto il mondo, in oltre sara’ il luogo adatto per discutere di tutti i temi legati a Zabbix con i migliori professionisti giunti dalle piu’ importanti aziende Enterprise del mondo.

Se qualcuno volesse avere infomazioni sull’evento, non esitate nel contattarmi.

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OctoZab – Multi Zabbix Server Dashboard

Many of us are using Zabbix Server for a lot of customer and sometimes we need to monitoring what happen on every Zabbix Server but we can’t…. at least until now… Is born OctoZab

This is our first prototype of Dashboard and we need suggestions and feedback from Zabbix Community, so feel free to ask everything.

You Could find source at

We also create a demo site please check it at

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Reliability of Zabbix proxies internal checks

Zabbix is a powerful monitoring tool, that can easily become hard to control with the expansion of the infrastructure underneath.

One of the many features it offers is proxies, useful to monitor geo-dislocated devices. We happened to check a not-so-small Zabbix installation for a customer of ours, made of 1 server and about 12 proxies. Some of these proxies were very work-loaded, and needed some fine tuning.

But before analyze which kind of items were monitored and how they were organized, we first had to understand if hosts on which proxies were working were healthy. That’s where some useful Zabbix metrics come into play: Internal Checks.

And that’s where we found a configuration error, with very small evidency if not checked in first place. All of the proxies were not monitored by themselves. What does this mean? That all of them shared same Zabbix server graphs, and was impossible to understand real behaviour of their internal, data gathering, value cache processes.

The solution? As showed in opening screenshot it’s enough to let them be monitored by themselves!

From then on, we were able to fastly identify slowness culprits and where to begin the tuning.

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